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What if it’s not only about what we build,
      but more about who we build up.

If shelter is a basic need, build one you can’t live without. 
And for a rarefied few,
Once the need is fulfilled, another arises:
The desire to create something amazing.
The passion to create something personal.
The longing to not simply build a shelter,
But to transform a place into a story.


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Let’s build a great story.

As discerning guides to those undertaking storytelling projects, we employ a unique relationship-based model to ensure a good fit and strong collaboration.  Harnessing well-honed strengths of deep-rooted experience, creative thinking and a tried-and-trusted process, Root draws out your vision. Then utilizes a concierge network of designers, artisans and craftsman to bring it all to life. 


While the above is a general overview of Root, if you have an idea that appears to fall outside our wheelhouse, give us a shout. We have experiences we don’t share publicly due to Client confidentiality. However, if you have the right questions, we just may have the right answers.

We believe good planning always starts with a conversation, preferably over coffee, and deepens through a relationship built on mutual understanding, trust and a lot of listening. Much of our shared expedition will be way finding on uncharted courses as no two projects are the same, so the ability to work together is crucial. If you have a dream you want to bring to life, Root would love to hear from you.  Connect.


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