Welcome… let’s have some fun!


Here’s How We Work…

First, let’s meet, preferably over coffee, and share a good story. And since folks ask… if you have a ballpark number in mind, it’s likely double. And no, you can’t build some of it yourself or live there while we do. Trust us. The fun part… tell us what you need, we can’t wait to show you what you want. It’s more about the story, and less about the return.



We design… anywhere fun.
We build… locally.
We decorate… generally for TV only.
You pay to play, all in that order, and on time.
And if you’re in a hurry, we’re not.
But since relationships can be messy, we have a contract for all this.
Plus, we are human, and there will be mistakes, guaranteed.
And all wrongs will be made right, when you pay, in full of course.
So, don’t be an ass, ‘cause we won’t work for mean people. Just sayin.
And if you want something that’s been done before, use that.


In a Nutshell…

Know that it’s less about what we build, more about who we build up.
So, let’s keep this simple, between us and tell a better story!